2018 is a new year, and what a perfect time to improve on your mental health! Here are some tips for resolutions to help you get on the track to success this year!
Get Enough Sleep Is poor sleep killing your mental health? Try natural remedies to induce sleep, such as eating healthy natural foods and exercising regularly. We also recommend creating a nighttime routine, to help prepare yourself for rest! Need a way to settle down? Try to relax through yoga, deep breathing exercises, or reading a book. We do not recommend using technology within an hour from when you would like to fall asleep. Get to Know Yourself Take some Me-Time this year, we recommend trying a new activity that you may have never done before. Take a cooking class, go to a rock-climbing gym, go on a spa day, etc. Spending some time to find what activities you like to do will boost your mood and is healthy for a well-rounded lifestyle. Reflective Journaling Journaling to think deeply about your own thought-process can be so easy! All you need is:
Be sure to allow for emotional processing/possible triggers throughout this process. To journal in a reflective manner, it is best to brainstorm a list of ideas of what to write about. Do you want to write a story, memory, value thread, poems, or something else? It is good to plan what you will write ahead of time. Once you know what you will write about, take a moment to reflect on your current mental state. What words would describe your current mood? Write those down. After you write your journal entries, reflect again on your mental state and emotions after writing. Re-read your entries – hopefully, you will make some helpful discoveries! Find Your Perfect ResolutionThese are only a few small things that can help improve your mental health for 2018! Remember to hydrate, eat well, exercise regularly, and keep in touch with your mental health professional.
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June 2023